struct Vector (
) {
T[N] data;
enum length;
enum AccessString;
enum AccessString;
enum AccessString;
- this
this(in E vals)
Vector can be constructed with different ways:
A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- datatype
alias datatype = T
- selftype
alias selftype = Vector!(N, T)
- e
auto e()
- len
auto len()
Euclidean length of the vector
- len2
auto len2()
Square of euclidean length of the vector.
- opAssign
auto opAssign(in Vector!(K, E) b)
- opBinary
auto opBinary(in Vector!(K, E) b)
auto opBinary(in E b)
Any binary operations execs per element
- opBinaryRight
auto opBinaryRight(in E b)
- opCast
bool opCast()
checks all elements is finite
- opCast
const(E) opCast()
- opCast
E opCast()
- opOpAssign
auto opOpAssign(in E b)
Any binary operations execs per element
- opUnary
auto opUnary()
- length
auto length [@property getter]
size_t length [@property setter]
Length of elements.
Enum, if vector isStatic.
- fill
selftype fill(size_t K, in E vals)
- fillOne
selftype fillOne(size_t K, in E vals)
- isCompatible
template isCompatible(E)
- data
T[N] data;
if isStatic ( fills by zeros if isNumeric!T )
- data
T[] data;
- dims
enum size_t dims;
- isDynamic
enum bool isDynamic;
- isStatic
enum bool isStatic;