fill data and set dynamic size for isDynamicOne matrix
set size and fill data
set size
only: if( isDynamic )
fill data
only: if( isDynamic )
project vector
resize dynamic matrix, new height/width must equals static height/width
get sub matrix
transform vector, equals ( m * vec4( v, fc ) ).xyz
if isStaticHeight it's enum (not available to set)
if isStaticHeight it's enum (not available to set)
only for transform matrix
if isStaticWidth it's enum (not available to set)
if isStaticWidth it's enum (not available to set)
get diagonal matrix, diagonal elements fills cyclically
static data ( if isNumeric!E fills valid numbers: if squred then identity matrix else zeros )
static width only
static height only
full dynamic
H == 0 || W == 0
isDynamicHeight && isDynamicWidth
H == 0
isStaticWidthOnly || isStaticHeightOnly
W == 0
H != 0 && W != 0
H != 0
isStaticHeight && isDynamicWidth
W != 0
isStaticWidth && isDynamicHeight